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Open-source Full Stack Developer

High school student with passion for learning new things and improving own skills.

Tech stacks

Desktop Mobile Web
Frontend SvelteKit Jetpack Compose htmx
Backend Tauri Kotlin Go



In my journey I've improved my skills in frontend development using TypeScript. I've utilized frameworks like Svelte, which is known for its simplicity and performance, to build applications that are not only user-friendly but also efficient.

For the last couple of months I really got into htmx as an alternative to simplify the creation of dynamic and interactive web applications. It allows me to leverage html attributes to add dynamic behavior to my applications, enabling me to build web applications with minimal JavaScript code.

As a build tool I've chosen Vite as the majority, because it enabled me to develop quickly and maintain a lean codebase. Additionally, Tailwind has helped me with rapid UI design, allowing me to create visually appealing applications with ease.


My passion for system programming has led me to explore Rust. I love its performance and memory safety guarantees, making it an ideal choice also for server-side programming.

I've used frameworks like Axum and Tokio to build asynchronous web applications, leveraging their simplicity and concurrency features. For database interactions I've been using Diesel. It allows me to mainly simplify the query building for my SQL databases.

Notably, I've focused on high performance frontend development, attempting to use WebAssembly with the full-stack Rust framework Leptos. This approach aims me to leverage the performance benefits of Rust and WebAssembly for building web applications that are both fast and efficient.


My experience with Go for server-side development has been primarily about leveraging its simplicity and efficiency. Go's statically typed nature and concurrency support have been instrumental in building robust and scalable web applications.

I've found Echo web framework ideal for my needs due to it's focus on being fast, lightweight, and highly efficient.


My experience with C/C++ has been focused on system programming for embedded systems. These languages have allowed me to write code for microcontrollers and other hardware, with Arduino being a popular platform for such development.

This expertise has been invaluable in creating efficient and reliable systems that operate at the hardware level.


When it comes to mobile app development, I've chosen Kotlin. Its modern and expressive syntax, which is fully interoperable with Java, has been instrumental in building dynamic and responsive user interfaces for Android applications.

I use Jetpack Compose as a toolkit for building native Android UI. It has enabled me to create applications that offer a seamless user experience.


Lua has been an invaluable tool in my development arsenal, especially for scripting and extending the functionality of Neovim. Its lightweight nature and ease of integration have made it an excellent choice for writing scripts that automate tasks and enhance my development workflow.


My journey in database management has been centered around SQL, for it's relational features. I've used PostgreSQL and MySQL, which gave me skills that have enabled me to design and optimize databases for performance and scalability.



Linux is invaluable in my journey as a developer, introducing me to the world of open-source development. Its flexibility and control over the system have allowed me to tailor my development environment to my specific needs, fostering a deeper understanding of software and hardware interactions.

Fedora, in particular, has provided me with a secure and robust platform for my development work. It has enhanced my coding practices and contributed to my overall understanding of system administration and security principles.


Vim is a pivotal tool in my development journey, offering a unique opportunity to edit my codebase with the exact way I want. It really improved my productivity, helping me to work on projects faster than with IDEs.

But as my editor I use Neovim, which enables me to delve into Lua for creating and managing plugins. This integration has enabled me to customize my editor to match my specific needs for my development enviroment.


Tmux is an essential component of my development workflow, providing a powerful framework for managing multiple terminal windows in a single session. Also its combination with Vi enabled me to work in my terminal much faster.

All of these abilities really showed me, why to use Linux as an enviroment for my development.


My open-source projects are primarily hosted on GitHub, although I also maintain some on GitLab. Both provide robust platforms for hosting and collaborating, but they each have their unique strengths.

For now I have many projects in their development process, but I will be adding them with their documentations to this section thanks to my admin that is built-in this project, written in Rust.


© 2024 Radim Semerák. Open-source on Github.